Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Vocaroo Voice Message

Vocaroo Voice Message

Ray, Ashton, Luke, Jason and Anthony

The Ant and the Grasshopper


  1. Good first attempt boys. With a few more practice sessions this reader's theatre script will sound great. You need to work on using a clear voice the whole time. Some of you mumble your lines and the listeners can't hear what is being said so the meaning of the text is lost. Remember to vary your tone, pitch and rhythm. Over the week work on using the punctuation to help convey the meaning of the text.

  2. Great work boys you really made the texts flow. You need to work on using the punctuation when you read.

  3. Great work boys. You all did a good job with your characters and yes, you should work hard before you relax (a bit like rugby eh?)
